Enrollment for preschool and grades 1-10!
Welcome to the innovative perspective school, which has the highest standards in providing engineering, technological and artistic education.
Welcome to the innovative perspective school, which has the highest standards in providing engineering, technological and artistic education.
Welcome to the innovative perspective school, which has the highest standards in providing engineering, technological and artistic education.
Welcome to the innovative perspective school, which has the highest standards in providing engineering, technological and artistic education.
Patogi lokacija atvykstant iš įvairių Vilniaus rajonų. Mokykla įkurta vaizdingoje Antakalnio vietovėje, apsupta gamtos.
Mokykloje įrengtos modernios mokymosi erdvės: STEAM centras – inžinerijos klasė, IT klasė, gamtos mokslų laboratorija, erdvios klasės su ergonomiškais baldais ir interaktyviais ekranais, žaidimų ir sporto aikštelė, ir dar daugiau.
Mokykloje vaikai mokosi pagal pasaulyje pripažintą, akredituotą tarptautinę Kembridžo programą. Programa padeda mokiniams tobulinti dalykines žinias, lavina konceptualų supratimą, ugdo aukštesniojo mąstymo gebėjimus.
Mokykloje dirba kompetentingi ir profesionalūs mokytojai, taikantys šiuolaikinius mokymo(si) metodus. Mokytojai dirba pagal Vitlio specialistų sudarytą šiuolaikinės kokybiškos pamokos standartą.
Vitlio licėjuje itin didelis dėmesys skiriamas tiksliesiems mokslams: inžinerijai, matematikai ir technologijoms, akcentuojama meno kryptis. Vaikams čia suteikiamos visos galimybės siekti 21 a. kompetencijų,
ugdyti loginį mąstymą.
Mokymo programos vykdomos pasitelkiant inovatyvias bei išmanias priemones. Siekiame, kad Vitlio licėjaus mokiniai laisvai veiktų naujųjų medijų ir skaitmeninių technologijų lauke. Taip pat taikytų mokslo, technologijų žinias ir gebėjimus panaudodami šiuolaikines priemones: robotų programavimą, papildytos realybės programas, interaktyvius ekranus ir pan.
Provide your child with a comprehensive, modern education in a motivating, development-encouraging environment. Please fill up our application form for admission, and we will contact you on the next business day.
Since September 2016, pre-school education for children in Lithuania is compulsory. At the lyceum, preschool education begins in the same calendar year when a child turns 6. It may be started earlier by the decision of the parents (guardians), but not for younger than 5- year-old kids (according to the provisions of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports). Preschool-age children are welcome to attend “Vitlio darželis” (Kindergarten).
Vitlio licėjus tarp privačių mokyklų išsiskiria inžinerine kryptimi, sustiprintais tiksliaisiais mokslais, eksperimentais ir tyrinėjimais, išskirtiniais Išradėjų renginiais, STEAM ugdymo metodika, tarptautine bakalaureato programa
Upon starting school, there is a one-time admission fee of EUR 400. The monthly cost of preschool education is EUR 595 (paid for 10 months), and for primary school (grades 1-4), it is also EUR 595 per month (paid for 10 months, and no payment is required during the holidays in July and August). For secondary school (grades 5–8), the monthly cost is EUR 655 (paid for 10 months, and no payment is required during the holidays in July and August). Grades 9-10 the montly cost is EUR 675. After-school care costs EUR 100 per month. Study materials: preschool class – EUR 100 per year, grades 1–10 – EUR 200 per year.
The cost includes formal education according to the lyceum program, camps during student holidays, educational excursions in Vilnius, events such as Inventors' Night, Inventors' Picnic, and the conference "I Can Be an Inventor!"
For more information, contact us by email at priemimas@vitliolicejus.lt.
“Vitlio licėjus” implements the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP) and IB MYP Program to grades 5–9. It is a globally recognized educational program taught in more than 150 countries around the world. Its goal is to educate young people who are curious, intelligent and environmentally aware people, who will respect cultural differences and help create a better and more peaceful world.